Therapy for Life Transitions

Navigating New Chapters with Compassion and Balance

Throughout life, you have probably desired change, growth, and even adventure. Other times, just as you feel that you are comfortable with where you are, a new chapter begins unexpectedly. Life can surprise you with a career change, aging parents who need your help, or even personal journeys like divorce or menopause. Suddenly, the life you thought you were going to have looks completely different.

Even as you stand with your feet in the sand in front of a vast ocean in Hermosa Beach, you may feel that everything is changing around you and within you. You might even feel like you are going through a midlife crisis, but it's actually a reawakening. It's a chance to rediscover what truly matters to you and create the life that you want.

Types of Life Transitions

You may have spent years building a career, only to find yourself feeling unfulfilled or burnt out. It’s never too late to make a change that aligns with your passions and values. But it can be scary when you feel like you are starting over at a time in life when you thought you had everything figured out.

Yet this change, or better yet, this opportunity, can lead you to a more fulfilling and balanced life. You no longer have to sacrifice your mental or physical health for the sake of a job. No more feeling stuck in a path that no longer feels right. You can redefine success and find joy in pursuing your passions and achieve the work-life balance you desire.

You never think you’ll receive a medical diagnosis at any phase of your  life. But what if you do? Is it you, a beloved family member or close friend? You or your loved one are now facing a new reality. It may feel like your body is betraying you and that you have no control over what happens next. Or you feel that your loved one is being taken away from you. It doesn’t feel fair.

All medical challenges are important. Whether it is acute or chronic or terminal illness, injury, or disability, they can cause life-altering transitions for you and your loved ones. This is a change that can make you feel lost as you didn’t have the chance to prepare for it. But it can be an opportunity to find a new appreciation for life and the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

As I’m moving through my own journey of menopause, I’ve come to realize that this transition is about so much more than just hot flashes and mood swings. It’s a time when you may question our identity and purpose. You may feel like your body is betraying you and struggle with the loss of fertility and youth. That the body you have learned to love has become a stranger.

But this phase also presents an opportunity for growth and rebirth. You can learn to embrace your changing body and redefine what beauty means to you. Exploring new interests and passions, free from the expectations of others, can be incredibly liberating.

Your marriage or relationship is ending and suddenly much of your life is changing. There is a lot of pain and confusion. But also a chance to rediscover yourself. This is your time to focus on what you truly want in life and build a future that aligns with your values and desires. It’s a new chapter where you can create a vision of your own happiness, rather than trying to fit into someone else’s.

You can take the time to heal and rediscover who you are outside of a relationship. And with that knowledge, you can build a new life that brings you fulfillment and joy. And if you decide to enter a new relationship, it will be one that is based on love and understanding of yourself, who you are now. This can be an especially important piece. We are meant to evolve and change! Undoubtedly you have changed, maybe what you’re looking for in a partner has too. Getting to know who you are today and embracing those changes will be a big part of your journey.

As our parents get older, it is a transition for them and for us. You may find yourself helping with daily tasks or making difficult decisions about their care. Maybe you find yourself thinking “This isn’t the person I grew up with”. It can be hard to accept that your parents are not the same ageless figures you have in your mind.

But, like you, they are facing a new chapter in their lives. You can help them navigate this transition by showing compassion and understanding, while also taking care of yourself. Grieving the loss of your parents’ youth and health is normal. Yet finding beautiful moments and creating new memories can bring joy and purpose to this phase.

Your children have learned all that they need from you, and now it’s time for them to spread their wings and fly. It can be bittersweet as you watch them leave the nest, but it also presents you with an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and your partner. For years, your identity may have been closely tied to being a parent, but now you can focus on yourself and explore new paths.

In Hermosa Beach, where you may have spent many days rushing from one school or after- school event to another, you can now spend your time as you please. Whether it’s pursuing a new hobby or traveling to places you’ve always wanted to visit. This is your chance to rediscover and reinvent yourself in this new phase of life.

When you begin a new chapter, they can fall into one or more of these categories. They can be joyous, scary, exciting, or intimidating. Or they can be all of these emotions at once. Positive and negative life transitions are a part of our journey, but they can lead us to growth, self-discovery, and ultimately a more fulfilling life.

Therapy for Career Change

When you first started your career, you may have imagined yourself in the same role or company until retirement. That you would love and excel at your job, and it would bring you satisfaction and joy. But as we grow and change, our careers can also evolve. There may be moments of self-doubt and anxiety as you consider a career change or pivot. However, your anxiety is not your enemy, it is simply trying to protect you from the unknown.
  • Your Career is Not Your Identity

It’s a common belief that our careers define us, and that changing careers means changing who we are. But your career does not have to be the sole source of your identity. It can be fulfilling and rewarding, but it does not determine your worth as a person. You are more than your job title or salary.

  • The Fear of Failure

A career change can bring up fears of failure. What if you leave your current job and end up unhappy in the new one? What if you don’t have the skills or experience needed for a new role? These anxieties are valid, but they do not have to hold you back from making a change that will ultimately benefit your mental and emotional well-being.

  • You Were Laid Off - Now What?

Losing a job can be tough on your self-esteem and sense of security. It can make you doubt your abilities and question your worth. But it wasn’t a reflection of your worth as an employee or person. It was a result of circumstances beyond your control. This can be an opportunity for you to evaluate your career and possibly make a positive change.

  • Coping with Retirement Anxiety

Retirement is often seen as an exciting milestone that allows you freedom and time to pursue your interests. But your body and mind are used to a certain routine and sense of purpose. It’s natural to feel anxious about the unknowns that come with retirement, such as how you will fill your time and find meaning in this new phase of life. Therapy can help you navigate this transition and discover new ways to find fulfillment and purpose.

Therapy for Perimenopause and Menopause

Your body feels like a stranger. It’s been your home for most of your life, but now it’s changing in ways you never expected. This new phase may come with a mix of emotions that you didn’t anticipate. But it’s a time to rediscover yourself and embrace the changes that come with menopause.

  • Your Identity- Who Are You Now?

When women go through menopause, it often becomes a time of profound self-reflection. The changes in hormones and the physical transitions can lead a woman to question her known identity, causing her to reflect on who she once was. This phase can prompt a reevaluation of priorities, goals, and even personal values. It’s a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical aspects, delving into a deeper exploration of one’s identity and the evolution of self. Recognizing and embracing these shifts can be a key part of navigating the complexities of menopause with resilience and self-discovery.

When you hear “menopause,” does it bring feelings of fear or confusion? Maybe a sense of stress or powerlessness? It’s often portrayed as a challenging time we all wish to navigate smoothly. No wonder many are seeking some kind of “quick fix” to make it all disappear.

But what if we looked at things in a new way? What if menopause could be a time for growing, getting stronger, and feeling good? Yes, there are changes beyond your control, but there are also aspects you can influence, like nurturing your well-being through mindful choices, embracing proper nutrition, and staying active. It’s a chance to invest in yourself, enhancing your well-being, and not just survive but thrive during and after this transformative phase. You have the power to make this part of your life truly fulfilling!

  • Feeling Betrayed
Experiencing menopause can stir up a mix of emotions, and many women in our community share a sense of feeling let down by their bodies during this transformation. The hot flashes, mood swings, and other symptoms can be a surprise that you didn’t sign up for. Shifts in both the physical and hormonal realms might feel like a departure from the familiar. Creating a sense of disconnection from one’s own physical self.

It’s important to recognize these feelings of betrayal as a natural part of the emotional journey that accompanies menopause. As we navigate this phase together, let’s focus on embracing self-compassion and supporting each other—an essential aspect of finding balance with these changes and fostering a positive connection with our evolving bodies.

  • The End of Reproduction

For some women, perimenopause and menopause can be a reminder of their age and the end of their reproductive years. This can bring up feelings of grief and sadness as you mourn the loss of your fertility. But it’s also a beautiful time to reflect on the life you have created and celebrate it.

You may also feel relieved that you no longer have to worry about pregnancy or menstrual cycles. This can be a time of freedom from these concerns and a chance to fully embrace your sexuality without those worries. Embrace this new phase in your life, as it’s just another chapter in your journey. You are more than your ability to reproduce, and this phase can bring so much more fulfillment and joy.
  • Symptoms of Perimenopause and Menopause
  • Work with a Holistic Therapist and Certified Menopause Specialist

Consider the empowering option of working with a holistic therapist during this journey. In my practice, I often collaborate with women through various cognitive and somatic methods.This collaborative process empowers you to rediscover balance, well-being, and a sense of connection during this transformative phase of life. By focusing on the mind-body connection, we can work together to address any emotional or physical challenges and find ways to manage them effectively. As a Certified Menopause Coaching Specialist, I have extensive training specifically in this field and as I also move through this unique time, I learn more everyday. I’d love to share this with you! For far too long women have misunderstood or worse yet, not known much or anything about this transition.

Holistic therapy is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and growth, where you can embrace the changes and transformations that come your way. It’s about nurturing your self-awareness, self-care, and resilience, understanding that challenges and fluctuations during menopause are a natural part of your journey. Through therapy, you may uncover profound aspects of ourselves, paving the way for personal growth, healing, and fulfillment.

What is the Difference Between Positive and Negative Life Transitions?

Life can open new doors, but it can also close old ones. Positive life changes, like a promotion, moving to your dream home, having kids, or buying your first vacation home, can bring joy and excitement. But your brain can still register these changes as stressors. They are new, different, and may challenge your idea of who you are. You may be relearning who you are after achieving the work-life balance after a positive career change, or finding new hobbies and interests in retirement. Your body and mind are adjusting to a new normal. Even these positive life transitions can bring about feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.

On the other hand, negative life changes can cause considerable stress. Menopause is often seen as a negative life transition, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Where you can relearn your body and redefine beauty. Divorce can be a painful experience, but it also allows you to create a life that is truly aligned with your wants and desires. Negative life transitions can lead to mental health concerns if not managed effectively. But with proper support and self-care, they can also bring about positive change.

My Approach to Therapy

As I am moving through my own journey with life experience and specialized training, I understand the complexities of transitioning through different stages in life. In therapy, I go beyond just talking; I embrace a holistic approach, considering not only your thoughts, but also the big picture. Integrating aspects of your mind, body, and overall well-being. I believe that by addressing these aspects of a person, we can better understand and cope with the changes and challenges they are facing.

You may be thinking “What does that mean?” It means in therapy, I will support you by exploring the connection between your mind, body, and spirit. We will look at how your physical sensations may be affecting your emotions and thoughts about the life transition you are facing. This somatic approach may allow you to gain insight into the feelings and beliefs that your life transition has brought up. Traditional talk therapy more so tackles the cognitive side, focusing on changing negative thought patterns. This can be helpful when managing symptoms, it can also miss the opportunity to address the underlying causes beneath these feelings.

As a holistic therapist in Hermosa Beach, CA I believe in incorporating the body and all of its intelligence into our work together. This may include mind-body practices like mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, sound healing, and yoga to support your healing journey. By taking a holistic approach to therapy for life transitions and career change, I aim to help my clients not only manage their symptoms but also find deeper meaning and growth during these new chapters of their lives.

Gain the Tools to Navigate Life's Changes

Life transitions, whether positive or negative, can stir up feelings in our mind and body that may feel overwhelming and confusing. Alongside my holistic and somatic approach, I’m also all about providing practical tools and techniques, cognitive and otherwise, to support you in navigating this new terrain. We will certainly do that, but we might also include other essential information that originates from within and around you. My ultimate goal is for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself – mind, body, and spirit. So when you are faced with another life transition, you can confidently move through it with self-awareness and self-compassion.

Even outside of your therapy sessions, you will have the tools and knowledge to continue on your healing journey. Please know the tools and techniques I share are often times the very same ones I use in my own life or have used. I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, but I’m also a Certified Holistic Therapist, which means I am a Certified Trauma-Informed Therapist, Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Certified Sound Healer, and Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT 300). My belief is that by integrating various healing modalities to address the feelings that bubble up during life transitions, we can bring about significant transformation and growth. You will also experience mind-body practices and explore the power of vibration and frequency to facilitate healing from within. All of this creates a space for you to navigate your life transition in the most supportive and empowering way possible.

Navigate Your New Chapters With Support From Therapy for Life Transitions and Career Change

These new chapters have yet to be fully written, and you can mold them into whatever you want them to be. We will work together to uncover your strengths, values, and desires so that you can create the life and career that aligns with who you truly are. If you’re ready to take the first step toward making this positive change for your well-being, let’s connect. I’m Marilyn Ashley, a holistic therapist based in Hermosa Beach, CA. My goal is to help you form these new chapters in a way that balances your mind, body, and spirit, so you can thrive in your new life. If you’re ready to take the first step:

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Transition into a New Chapter with Confidence and Empowerment.

Other Services Offered By Marilyn Ashley, LMFT

Therapy for Life Transitions is just one of the many services I offer. I specialize in Anxiety, relationship dynamics, Trauma, and Couples Therapy and more. I provide in-person sessions at my serene office in beautiful Hermosa Beach. Clients often mention its calming and grounding atmosphere. Alternatively, I offer virtual therapy sessions for those who prefer online sessions. By integrating holistic practices into your daily life, you can enhance your overall well-being. Together, let’s work towards a life filled with balance and fulfillment.


Life transitions are significant changes or shifts in our circumstances that affect our daily lives, emotions, and overall well-being. These changes can manifest in various forms such as career changes, relationship shifts, entering the empty nest phase, or navigating the complexities of aging parents.

Absolutely. Life transitions can be incredibly challenging, and it’s perfectly normal to feel a range of emotions, including fear and uncertainty. Change, even positive change, can stir up feelings of discomfort as we adjust to new realities. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and seeking support can make a world of difference.

Absolutely. Life transitions can be incredibly challenging, and it’s perfectly normal to feel a range of emotions, including fear and uncertainty. Change, even positive change, can stir up feelings of discomfort as we adjust to new realities. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and seeking support can make a world of difference.

It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed when facing significant life changes. Start by acknowledging your feelings and giving yourself permission to seek support. Therapy can provide a structured framework for unpacking your emotions, identifying your needs, and creating a plan to navigate the transition with more ease.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as the duration of adjustment varies from person to person and depends on the nature of the transition. Some people may adapt relatively quickly, while others may take more time. What’s important is to give yourself grace and patience as you navigate the process at your own pace.

Absolutely. Therapy can be instrumental in helping you gain clarity about your values, priorities, and goals during periods of transition. By exploring your strengths, passions, and aspirations with the support of a therapist, you can uncover new insights and possibilities for your future path.

Yes, therapy can be incredibly beneficial for navigating changes in relationships during life transitions. Whether you’re experiencing shifts in your romantic partnership, family dynamics, or friendships, therapy can provide a space to explore communication strategies, boundary-setting, and conflict resolution skills to maintain healthy connections amidst change.

Cultivating resilience and hope is essential during times of change. Therapy can help you develop coping mechanisms, self-care practices, and positive mindset shifts to build resilience and maintain a sense of hopefulness even amidst uncertainty. Remember, you have the strength and resources within you to navigate life’s twists and turns with courage and grace.