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Understanding Stress and Uncertainty

Life is full of changes. Some changes are exciting, like changing jobs, starting a new job, or blending into a new family. Others can be challenging, like moving to a new place or facing health issues. Changes can make us feel stressed and uncertain. Stress is our body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When we feel stressed, our body goes into “fight or flight” mode, which helps us deal with the situation. But too much stress can make us feel overwhelmed and anxious.

Uncertainty is when we don’t know what will happen next. It can make us feel worried or scared because we can’t predict the future. Both stress and uncertainty are normal, but it’s important to know how to manage them so they don’t take over our lives.

Image of a couple leaning back on a couch relaxing. If you find yourself stressed due to major life changes and are unable to cope work with a skilled life transition therapist in Manhattan Beach, CA for support.

Common Stressors and How They Affect Us

Major Life Events

Major life events, like starting a new job, having a baby, or moving to a new city, can be big stressors. These changes disrupt our routines and make us adjust to new situations. It’s normal to feel stressed during these times.

Everyday Challenges

Even small everyday challenges, like managing a busy work schedule, taking care of children, or dealing with conflicts with friends and family, can add up and cause stress. It’s important to recognize these stressors and find ways to deal with them.

Uncertainty About the Future

Not knowing what the future holds can be very stressful. It can make us feel like we have no control over our lives. This uncertainty can lead to anxiety and fear. For example, worrying about job security, financial stability, or health issues can cause significant stress and uncertainty.

The Nervous System and Stress

Our nervous system plays a big role in how we experience stress. When we encounter a stressful situation, our body activates the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares us to “fight or flight.” This response can be helpful in short bursts, but if it stays activated for too long, it can cause problems.

The parasympathetic nervous system helps us relax and recover after stress. It activates the “rest and digest” response, which calms our body and mind. It’s important to find ways to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic state to manage stress effectively.

Techniques to Move from Sympathetic to Parasympathetic

Here are some ways to help move your nervous system from a state of stress to a state of relaxation:

Deep Breathing Exercises

Slow, deep breaths can activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This type of breathing helps to lower heart rate and blood pressure, making us feel calmer. One effective technique is the 4-7-8 breathing method. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then breathe out slowly for 8 seconds. This can quickly reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Meditation can be a way to practice mindfulness. It helps to quiet the mind and bring our attention back to the here and now, which can reduce stress and promote relaxation. Even a few minutes of mindfulness practice each day can make a significant difference. Apps like Insight Timer or Calm can provide guided meditations to get you started.


Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Activities like walking, swimming, or cycling can help move the nervous system from a stressed state to a more relaxed state. Physical activity also helps to reduce levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. Yoga is particularly effective because it combines physical movement with breath control and mindfulness.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body. It helps to release physical tension and promote relaxation. Start by tensing the muscles in your toes, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly release. Start with your toes and work your way up to your head. Tense each muscle group for a few seconds, then slowly release the tension.

Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques help us connect with the present moment and our physical bodies. This can be especially helpful during times of high stress or anxiety. One simple grounding technique is to sit comfortably and place your feet flat on the ground. Focus on the sensation of your feet touching the floor. Notice the support of the chair beneath you. This simple exercise can help you feel more grounded and present.

Spending Time in Nature

Nature has a calming effect on the nervous system. Spending time outdoors, whether it’s a walk in the park, hiking, or simply sitting in your garden, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Connecting with Loved Ones

Social connections are crucial for our well-being. Spending time with friends and family, talking about your feelings, or simply enjoying a meal together can help reduce stress and move your nervous system into a more relaxed state.

By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can help your body shift from a state of stress (sympathetic) to a state of relaxation (parasympathetic). This not only helps manage stress at the moment but also builds resilience, allowing you to handle future stressors more effectively.

To better understand how we can manage our stress responses and maintain a healthy nervous system, we can look at some helpful concepts developed by experts in the field. Peter Levine and Deb Dana have introduced models that provide insight into how our nervous system operates under stress and how we can bring it back to a balanced state.

Image of a cartoon woman meditating. Find support in coping with the stress that comes with major life changes with the help of life transition therapy in Manhattan Beach, CA.

Peter Levine’s Window of Tolerance

Psychologist Peter Levine explains the concept of the “window of tolerance,” which is the zone where we can function effectively and handle stress. Imagine a slinky that expands and contracts. When we are within our window of tolerance, we can manage stress well, and the slinky moves smoothly. The ideal state of the window of tolerance allows us to rise to the occasion to handle stress and then return to a calm state. A healthy, regulated nervous system can move back into the window of tolerance after being stressed. This ability is called resiliency.

Resiliency is our capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. When we have good resiliency, we can handle stress better and bounce back from challenges more easily.

Deb Dana’s Ladder of the Nervous System

Deb Dana uses the ladder metaphor to describe our nervous system. The top of the ladder represents the safe and social state (parasympathetic), where we feel calm and connected. This is where we want to spend most of our time. The middle of the ladder is the fight-or-flight state (sympathetic), where we feel alert and ready to respond to threats. The bottom of the ladder is the shutdown state (dorsal vagal shutdown), where we feel overwhelmed and shut down. In between fight or flight and shut down state is a blended state called the frozen state.

Moving up the ladder involves practices that help us feel safe and engaged. When we are stressed, we might move down the ladder into the fight-or-flight or freeze state. Using techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and grounding can help us climb back up the ladder to a safe and social state.

More Holistic Techniques for Managing Stress

Holistic therapy looks at the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. It helps us find balance and harmony in our lives. Here are some holistic techniques to manage stress:

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment. It helps us focus on what’s happening right now instead of worrying about the future. Meditation is a way to practice mindfulness. Just a few minutes of meditation each day can reduce stress and make us feel more relaxed.

Example: Try sitting quietly for a few minutes each day. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your breath.

Yoga and Physical Exercise

Physical activity is a great way to relieve stress. Yoga combines physical movement with mindfulness, making it a powerful tool for stress management. Regular exercise, like walking or swimming, also helps reduce stress by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood boosters.

Example: Join a local yoga class or take a daily walk around your neighborhood. Find an activity you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote relaxation and well-being. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus can help reduce stress and improve mood.

Example: Add a few drops of lavender oil to your bath or use an essential oil diffuser in your home.

Image of a woman in the forest practicing yoga. Begin thriving through the stress of a major life change with the help of life changes therapy in Manhattan Beach, CA.

Ready to Thrive Through Stressors?

Sometimes, managing stress and uncertainty can feel overwhelming. It’s okay to ask for help. Working with a life transition therapist can provide additional support and guidance. Marilyn Ashley, LMFT, offers holistic therapy to help you find balance and manage stress during life’s changes. Reach out today to start your journey towards a more balanced and peaceful life. Connect with Marilyn Ashley, LMFT, for tailored support and learn to explore how holistic therapy can empower you on this exciting journey forward. For personalized guidance and support, contact Marilyn Ashley, LMFT, who specializes in holistic therapy approaches to help you manage a variety of life transitions, handling and managing stress and uncertainty with grace. Reach out today to start your path toward healing and together we’ll link arms and move through this together.

Thrive Through Stress With Life Changes Therapy in Manhattan Beach, CA

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the stress of major life changes? Our compassionate and expert life transition therapists at Marilyn Ashley, LMFT are here to help you navigate these transitions with confidence and ease in life changes therapy. Begin your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life by following these three simple steps:

Other Services Offered By Marilyn Ashley, LMFT

At my Hermosa Beach, CA practice, Life Changes Therapy is just one of the services I offer to help you find support in overcoming your stress during change. I also specialize in Anxiety TherapyTrauma, and Couples Therapy. For your convenience, I offer in-person sessions in my beautiful Hermosa Beach office, which may clients comment on how calming it is and how grounded, content, and serene they feel there. I also offer online therapy sessions for anyone in California. By incorporating holistic practices into your daily life, you can support your overall well-being. I’m excited to work with you on your journey towards healing and growth. Together, let’s embrace your anxiety and learn how to thrive, not just survive! Check out my blog for more about holistic healing!

Hi there!! I'm Marilyn. I empower individuals to embrace their true selves, heal holistically and flourish. I provide in-person therapy in Hermosa Beach and online therapy throughout California, Colorado and Kansas. Click here to get started.

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