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Understanding High-Functioning Anxiety

High-functioning anxiety is a unique type of anxiety that isn’t always obvious to others. People who experience it might appear calm, successful, and put together on the outside. They often excel in their jobs, manage their responsibilities, and seem to have it all under control. However, on the inside, they might feel constant worry, restlessness, or a sense of dread. This type of anxiety is tricky because it’s often hidden behind a mask of productivity and achievement. This blog will help you understand how holistic anxiety therapy can provide support and healing for those dealing with high-functioning anxiety.

Image of an anxious professional woman clasping her hands and looking at a laptop. If you struggle with coping with your high functioning anxiety in healthy ways, discover how a skilled anxiety therapist in Manhattan Beach, CA can help.

Common Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

High-functioning anxiety can look different for everyone, but there are some common signs to watch for:

  • Overthinking and Worrying: You might find yourself caught in a loop of replaying conversations, analyzing situations repeatedly, or stressing about things that haven’t even happened yet. This constant mental activity can make it difficult to relax or feel calm, keeping you on edge much of the time.
  • Hiding Behind Perfectionism: You may strive to be perfect in all areas of life, hoping that by appearing flawless, you can protect yourself from shame, judgment, or pain. This often leads to setting unrealistically high standards for yourself and feeling like nothing you do is ever good enough. The fear of making mistakes or falling short can feel intense, turning even small setbacks into something much bigger and more dramatic than they truly are.
  • Restlessness: You might feel like you can’t sit still or that you always need to be doing something productive to feel okay.
  • Struggling to Slow Down and Relax: You might find it challenging to relax or sit still because you’re so used to staying busy and doing so much. There can be a constant urge to fill every moment with activity, making it uncomfortable to simply be in your own body or mind. Even when you have time to rest, you might feel restless, irritable, or uneasy, as if relaxation itself has become an unfamiliar and difficult task.
  • The Pressure to Please Others: Saying “no” can feel almost impossible because you can’t tolerate the thought of disappointing others. This can lead to a habit of always saying “yes” to avoid conflict and putting others’ needs above your own, leaving you feeling drained and overwhelmed. You might feel like you’re always acting based on what others feel or want, rather than what you need or desire, which can create a constant feeling of pressure and emotional exhaustion.

Understanding the Specific Struggles of High-Functioning Anxiety in Women

High-functioning anxiety can present in various ways, impacting both mental and physical well-being. Here are some specific struggles that many women with high-functioning anxiety experience:

  • Feeling Like an Imposter: You might frequently grapple with the sense that you don’t belong or that you’re a fraud. This internal dialogue, often expressed as “I don’t belong here,” can lead to persistent self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as inadequate.
  • Physical Symptoms: Anxiety isn’t just a mental experience; it can also manifest physically. Many women experience headaches, muscle tension, or digestive issues as a direct result of ongoing stress and anxiety.
  • Persistent Worry: An ongoing, excessive worry about various aspects of life can be a significant burden. This might include concerns about work, relationships, or everyday tasks, leading to a constant state of anxiety that makes it difficult to escape.
  • Feeling Isolated: Despite being around people, you might still feel isolated or lonely. This sense of disconnection can make you feel like you’re navigating your anxiety alone, even when others are present.

Recognizing these struggles is crucial in addressing high-functioning anxiety and finding ways to manage it effectively. Understanding that these feelings are common can help in seeking the right support and taking proactive steps toward balance and well-being. These signs can be the first step toward finding balance and managing your anxiety. But how can holistic therapy help?

Image of a professional woman not feeling great and holding her stomach. High functioning anxiety can cause many upsetting symptoms. With the help of anxiety therapy in Manhattan Beach, CA you can begin coping in healthy ways.

Holistic Approaches to High-Functioning Anxiety

Holistic anxiety therapy focuses on treating the whole person — mind, body, and spirit. It recognizes that our physical, emotional, and mental health are all connected. When it comes to managing high-functioning anxiety, holistic methods aim to bring balance to all aspects of your life.

Becoming Mindfully Aware: Noticing and Shifting Your Anxiety Patterns

We often know how uncomfortable anxiety can be, but when we actively pay attention to what we’re feeling, it creates room for change and growth. The next time you notice these feelings of anxiety showing up, take a moment to pause and tell yourself, “This is the anxious part of me speaking,” or “This is my high-functioning anxiety talking.” Becoming aware of what’s happening in our bodies and minds is a key step in taking care of our mental health.

You might find it helpful to make a note on your phone where you can record any thoughts, feelings, or symptoms you experience. Keeping track like this can help you notice patterns and understand what you might need. For instance, if you find that you often feel rushed or pressured, it might be time to create moments where you can intentionally slow down.

This could mean moving more slowly during daily routines like showering, brushing your teeth, or any other part of your day. These small, mindful changes can help calm your nervous system and bring a sense of balance.

Mind-Body Connection in Holistic Therapy

In holistic therapy, we understand that anxiety isn’t just in your head — it affects your whole body. That’s why many holistic therapists use somatic techniques to help clients recognize and release tension held in the body. For instance:

  • Breathwork: Focusing on slow, deep breathing can calm the nervous system and help manage anxiety. Many people with high-functioning anxiety find it helpful to practice daily breathing exercises to stay grounded and relaxed. Practicing conscious breathing exercises, like inhaling for four counts and exhaling for six counts, can help calm the nervous system and reduce stress.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This involves tensing and then slowly releasing different muscle groups in the body. It helps people with high-functioning anxiety become more aware of where they hold tension and teaches them how to release it.
  • Yoga and Movement Therapy: Gentle yoga or mindful movement can help release stored stress and anxiety from the body, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. Movement also encourages the body to release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Gentle stretches or yoga poses like Child’s Pose or Legs-Up-the-Wall can help calm an overactive mind and release tension from the body.

Emotional and Mental Strategies

Managing high-functioning anxiety also involves addressing the emotional and mental aspects of this condition. Holistic therapy offers various strategies to help you feel more balanced:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness teaches you to stay present in the moment, which can help reduce anxious thoughts about the past or future. Simple practices like paying attention to your breath or observing your surroundings can make a big difference. Imagine a place where you feel calm and safe. Visualizing this place whenever you feel overwhelmed can help you manage your anxiety.
  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful way to process emotions, especially if you have high-functioning anxiety. It can help you identify patterns in your thinking and understand your triggers better.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT): While CBT is not exclusive to holistic therapy, it is often used in conjunction with other holistic methods. It helps you identify and challenge unhelpful thought patterns, replacing them with healthier, more balanced ways of thinking.

Spiritual and Lifestyle Approaches

Holistic therapy often involves working with an anxiety therapist to explore spiritual practices and lifestyle changes that support mental and emotional health. This might include:

  • Gratitude Practices: Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can help shift your mindset from anxiety to calm. Simple daily practices, like writing down three things you’re grateful for, can create a significant impact over time.
  • Nature Therapy: Spending time outdoors, whether in a park, at the beach, or in your backyard, can reduce anxiety and improve your mood. Nature has a calming effect that helps balance the mind and body. Techniques like standing barefoot on the ground, feeling the earth beneath you, and focusing on physical sensations can help you feel more present and reduce anxious thoughts.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are crucial in managing anxiety. A balanced diet rich in whole foods can help regulate your mood and energy levels, while consistent physical activity helps release tension and stress.
  • Positive Affirmations: Repeating phrases like “I am capable,” “I am enough,” or “I choose calm over worry” can help reframe negative thinking patterns.
Image of a relaxed woman laying in a hammock on a sunny day reading. With the help of anxiety therapy in Manhattan Beach, CA you can begin recognizing and coping with your high functioning anxiety symptoms.

Recognizing and Managing High-Functioning Anxiety

Managing high-functioning anxiety starts with recognizing it in yourself. You might notice that you’re always busy, have trouble saying no, or feel like you need to be perfect all the time. Here are some examples of how it can manifest in daily life:

Example 1: The “Always On” Professional

Imagine you’re someone who thrives on deadlines and feels most alive when your schedule is full. But at night, you find it hard to relax. You might worry about the smallest mistakes at work or feel a constant sense of pressure to perform. Even though you accomplish a lot, you never feel satisfied.

  • How to Manage It: Holistic therapy might involve practices like breathwork or yoga to help you relax and learn to let go. Journaling could help you identify why you feel the need to be constantly busy. Working with a holistic therapist could also help you explore the roots of your perfectionism and find healthier ways to feel fulfilled.

Example 2: The “People Pleaser” Parent

You love taking care of others and often put your own needs last. You’re always worried about what others think and fear disappointing them. Even when you’re exhausted, you push yourself to do more for others. You might find yourself saying “yes” to everything, even when you want to say “no.”

  • How to Manage It: Holistic therapy might involve learning mindfulness techniques to help you stay present and recognize when you’re overextending yourself. A therapist could help you develop assertiveness skills, so you feel more comfortable setting boundaries. Incorporating self-care routines, like spending time in nature or practicing gratitude, can also help restore balance.

Example 3: The “Super Achiever” Student

You’re a student who seems to have it all together. Excellent grades, extracurricular activities, and busy social life. But underneath, you feel constant pressure to succeed. You’re afraid of failing and often experience racing thoughts about upcoming tests or assignments.

  • How to Manage It: Holistic therapy might involve meditation or progressive muscle relaxation to calm your mind and body. Cognitive behavioral techniques can help challenge the fear of failure and build more confidence. Exploring spiritual practices, like gratitude or mindful walking, could help shift your focus from what you haven’t done to appreciating what you have achieved.

Finding Your Path to Balance

Everyone’s experience with high-functioning anxiety is unique, and so is their path to finding balance. If you recognize yourself in any of the examples or feel that anxiety is affecting your daily life, holistic therapy can help. It offers a personalized approach to managing anxiety that addresses your mind, body, and spirit. Thus, helping you find peace and balance in your everyday life.

Taking the Next Steps with Support and Guidance

If you’re ready to explore how holistic therapy can help you manage high-functioning anxiety, reach out to Marilyn Ashley, LMFT. Working together, we can create a plan that brings more balance, calm, and joy into your life. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone — let’s find the support you need to thrive.

Begin Managing Your High Functioning Anxiety With The Help of Holistic Anxiety Therapy in Manhattan Beach, CA

Take the first step toward reclaiming your peace of mind and breaking free from the hidden pressures of high-functioning anxiety with Marilyn Ashley, LMFT. Our holistic anxiety therapy offers a compassionate, whole-person approach to help you find balance and serenity in your life. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

Other Services Offered By Marilyn Ashley, LMFT

At my Hermosa Beach, CA practice, holistic Anxiety Therapy is just one of the services I offer. I specialize in Life TransitionsTrauma, and Couples Therapy. Together at my Hermosa Beach, CA Practice, I work with adult clients from Manhattan Beach, Redondo, Beach, El Segundo, and the rest of the South Bay area, and we work toward embracing your anxiety and using it as a tool for growth and transformation. I also offer online therapy sessions for those located anywhere else in California. By incorporating holistic practices into your daily life, you can support your overall well-being. I’m excited to work with you on your journey towards healing and growth. Together, let’s embrace your anxiety and learn how to thrive, not just survive! Check out my blog for more about holistic healing!

Hi there!! I'm Marilyn. I empower individuals to embrace their true selves, heal holistically and flourish. I provide in-person therapy in Hermosa Beach and online therapy throughout California, Colorado and Kansas. Click here to get started.

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